Vote “No” on Measure 118


It’s rare to see a Ballot Measure that unites Oregon Republicans and Democrats in opposition, but we have one in Measure 118.

Measure 118, innocuously named the ‘Oregon Rebate’, would be the largest single tax increase in Oregon history. Measure 118 would create a 3% tax on Oregon-based business sales over $25M. This is on top of the existing burdensome corporate tax structure. The billions in taxes will be equally 'redistributed' to every resident of Oregon - a form of ‘Universal Basic Income’, or UBI.

Measure 118 has bipartisan opposition. Democrats and Republicans agree that It would be a disaster for our state, piling on more taxes and reducing labor force participation. Governor Kotek has recently spoken out against it in a July 31, 2024 Willamette Weekly article stating:

“I am opposed to this ballot measure, it may look good on paper, but its flawed approach would punch a huge hole in the state budget and put essential services for low-wage and working families at risk.”

- Governor Tina Kotek

There's a lot that is terrible about this measure. Not only will it drive more businesses and jobs out of our state, the cost will be passed on to consumers. You can learn much more about it here:

I also encourage you to read a recently completed, randomized 3-year study of UBIs that shows lower workforce participation, and an increase in leisure instead of activities that would increase human capital.

Click the image below to read more on the results of the study and follow me on X:

In other words, handing people money they didn't earn caused them to work less and relax more. I am not sure how this is a shock to anyone, but it is to some. And at some point you run out of other people’s money.

The Measure 118 campaign is almost entirely funded by outside interests from California and New York. They view Oregon citizens as their lab rats, running various progressive social experiments on our population to see what happens. Outside interests did something similar with Measure 110 - and we all know what a catastrophic failure that was. We are now in the process of unwinding that failure, despite outside interests pouring millions into our state to keep it going.

Let the special interests know we are done being their lab rats. Vote NO on Measure 118.

 The FACTS about Measure 118:

  • Massive Tax on Sales, not profits

    • “Oregon businesses would be forced to pay this new $6.8 Billion tax regardless of whether they make a large profit, make a small profit, or are losing money. Measure 118 would force hundreds of local businesses to raise their prices, cut jobs, or shut down completely.Tax on a Tax.”

  • It’s a Tax on a Tax

    • “Measure 118 would add a costly new 3% tax on sales at every step in the production and selling process in Oregon, making it far more costly than a typical sales tax. By the time an Oregon product goes from raw materials to a manufacturer to a packaging company to a distributor and then to a retailer, it may have been taxed five times before it finally reaches the consumer – making it far more costly than a typical sales tax.”

  • Blank check for Salem politicians

    • “Despite what its promoters claim, Measure 118 does not guarantee that revenues from its massive new tax will end up in the pockets of Oregon residents. If Measure 118 passes, politicians in Salem could amend it with a simple majority vote and redirect the money anywhere they want – thus giving them a blank check, with no accountability to the public.”

  • Higher consumer prices

    • “Measure 118 would increase prices for everyday goods and services that Oregonians rely on – such as food, medicine, and electricity. That would especially hurt those who can least afford it, such as seniors and people living on fixed incomes.”

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