More great Republican Candidates needing support (Part 2)


A few days ago I asked you to help me support Republican candidates surrounding Portland Metro, but there are many more opportunities to bring balance to the Oregon House of Representatives and get Oregon back to the basics of good governance. Below is another short list of candidates in districts that are WINNABLE for Republicans.

I am asking you to financially support these candidates. By contributing to their campaigns, you can help them spread their message to voters and inform them about the direct link between their frustrations and the legislation supported by the Democrat incumbents in these districts. Your donation will enable these candidates to effectively communicate the Oregon Republican Back to Basics message, highlighting the need for change and the importance of electing leaders who will prioritize the needs and concerns of Oregonians. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that voters are well-informed about the impact of their choices in the upcoming election. Please consider supporting these candidates and help them bring about the change that Oregon needs.

Will you help these candidates get Oregon Back to Basics? A $10, $20, or $100 donation to their campaigns will go a long way. Just click the candidate graphic and you will be taken to their home page where you can learn more and donate.

There’s a lot at stake this election.

More balance in the legislature means:

  1. Ending the drug addiction crisis. You see how Portland leadership is taking a weak, Democrat-led Measure 110 ‘Fix’ and ignoring it. We need stronger legislation in order to end this crisis, and that won’t happen without Republican leadership.

  2. Reducing homelessness. The US Supreme Court recently decided a monumental case (Grants Pass v Johnson) that restores a local community’s ability to regulate camping on public property. Unfortunately for Oregonians, the Democrat legislature passed laws that prevent cities and towns from doing just that. Republicans are committed to repealing or reforming these unjust laws.

  3. Controlling utility costs. Oregonians are seeing their utility bills skyrocket. This is a direct result of Democrat-led overly aggressive green energy mandates. Everyone wants clean air and clean water. But the Democrat legislature is spending millions of your hard-earned dollars on things that will show no measurable benefit to our citizens, all while our rivers run with debris from homeless encampments and our forests burn. Republicans are committed to plentiful, affordable, and reliable energy.

  4. Saving the Kicker. Each session, the Democrat majority introduces at least one bill to eliminate or redistribute the Kicker tax refund. And each year, these extreme bills get harder and harder to push back. We need more Republicans in the Capitol to assure the Kicker is protected.

  5. No to highway tolling. Republicans are united against tolling our highways. Democrats, not so much.

  6. Restoring law and order. Many people feel that our justice system is no longer fair, or doing it’s job. Over the last several years the Democrat majority has worked to take much-needed tools away from law enforcement, and created an anti-law enforcement environment. Oregon Republicans are working to restore those tools.

  7. Holding agencies accountable. Forty-plus years of Democrat rule have wreaked havoc on our agencies. They are no longer accountable to the people; there is an incestuous relationship between the agencies and the party that has governed them for decades. With a Republican majority, we will reform our agencies so they work for the people instead of special interests.

  8. Protecting parental rights. Parents have the fundamental right to direct the care and upbringing of their children, and Republicans are fighting to protect that right.

  9. Active forest management. All Oregonians are tired of watching our forests burn. Republicans are committed to active management of our forests, keeping them beautiful while reducing fire fuels and generating much needed revenue for our schools and other operations.

With your help we can Take Oregon Back! Please click on the candidate images above to donate. There is no amount too small!

In Liberty,


Vote “No” on Measure 118


Support these great Metro Candidates and Get Oregon Back to Basics