Husband and Father. Businessman.
Conservative Republican.
The Son of Sawmillers and Loggers
I grew up as the son in a long line of sawmillers and loggers; most of the family I knew worked in the woods. My grandfather owned a sawmill with his brothers, and they were the largest employer in town through the 50’s and 60’s until they sold it. Dad for whatever reason had no interest in the business; he stuck with logging and then eventually driving trucks in the woods and highway short haul.
I learned a lot of things growing up by watching my father. I learned to go out of your way to help a neighbor in need. And I learned that despite what comes our way, we have an obligation to take care of our own affairs. Whatever life throws at you, you adjust, doing your best to live up to your responsibilities as a parent and a citizen.
A Businessman and Problem Solver
I’m not a lawyer, and I don’t have any political experience. I’m a businessman, entrepreneur, engineer, and problem solver. Alongside my wife, Jamie, and my talented business partners, we built a successful factory automation company to make American manufacturing companies more efficient and productive. I spent my career as an engineer, manager, employer, and business executive taking on some of the most difficult problems and finding solutions for them. That’s the same skillset that I will bring to being our State Representative.
Faith, Family, and Community First. Always.
I’m a Christian family man with deep roots in this community, and I want to see our values represented in the legislature. I’ve been married to my wife, Jamie for over 32 years. I have two awesome grown children and three incredible grandchildren. Our values, our faith, and our family are everything to us, as is our community. Over the years, I’ve rooted myself in serving our community by getting involved in organizations like the Sublimity Knights of Columbus, the Santiam Canyon Wildfire Relief Fund advisory council, the Santiam Hospital Board of Directors, as well as Catholic Community Services Foundation Board of Directors.
Conservative Pro-Life Values
Our institutions are failing us. For too long we have seen leftist policies coming out of Portland, eroding our state and taking control of our institutions. For a long time, many of us were ‘going along to get along’ – this won’t last, it won’t affect me, I’ll take care of my family and we will be ok. But the time for ‘going along to get along’ is over. We can no longer rely on our institutions to do the work for us. It is time for regular people to stand up for the ideals that make our state and country great. President Ronald Reagan said “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Now, more than ever, we need leaders in the Oregon Capitol who are willing to defend it.